Have you noticed lately that Kmart has had some extreme sales going on in their makeup department? I have, and I wasn't sure what they were doing! Only some of the makeup was on sale, and the selection that was on sale made no sense to me! There was L'Oreal products for $5! I was worried that they were going to get rid of their makeup department all together, but that couldn't be, some of the makeup was still for sale for normal prices.
Well, I have cracked the code! They were getting rid of that stock to create their new makeup layout! With this Layout we see new, cheaper brands being introduced such as Elf cosmetics. In their new layout, all the makeup comes packaged in cardboard that hooks into the display (Often used in Supermarkets).
The selected makeup on sale, did not already have this type of packaging . This explains the seemingly random sale selection.
Pictured on the top and bottom left (This may be different if viewing from a phone) is a new nail brand that appears to cost $3 across the range.
What appears to be a Kmart makeup brand (Pictured Top Right and Middle right - may be different if viewing on phone) has a price range from about $4 to $8 including foundations, eye shadows and lipsticks.
Unfortunately I am not sure if all Kmart's have undergone this change. If you have information about this please feel free to comment below :)
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Yeah, all of Canberra's Kmarts went under this treatment. They packed the loose products to prevent easy theft & possibly for hygienic reasons, also they failed to give a bar code on the back of the new packaging so make sure yours can be scan easily. They might have fixed that by now though. I wished my Kmart had a big sale, they just went ahead with the packaging, only some eyeliners were dumped into the sale box.