(My PotAtos Talking Plush I got from Tom, I also got an amazing drawing of his of the Cheshire Cat)

The lego set I got from Casey and Matt and the Batman mug I got from my sister.

My cute as dragon plush I won.
Over the weekend my sister and I celebrated our birthdays with a family BBQ. I had an absolutely fantastic time and received so many awesome gifts. I also managed to get the highest score on our pinball machine for the night, so I won the cutest dragon plush (Who is currently sitting on my lap) and a Marvel comics cap ^_^
I must admit I had an emotional time when Mother made me take apart a Batman comic to blue tack onto the walls (The Party was themed cartoon). Fear not though, it was only a cheap comic book from the news agent. I managed to salvage the Aqua Man mask after the party though!
My costume was Draculaura from Monster high. I ordered the wig from Costume box (.com). I really recommend them if you ever need a costume, they have a huge range and their shipping is always amazingly fast. When I ordered my wig I ordered a few other things while I was at it. Such as a Mehron glow in the dark face paint that you should see on my blog in a few weeks :) You might also see the gun I ordered for my Harley Quinn Cosplay (When you pull the trigger a flag pops out that says BANG!).
Anyway all and all I had a fantastic time and I can't wait to use and play with all my amazing presents.
Me as Draculaura ( an extremely quick costume I put together)
My Iwata ninja compressor and revolution gun I received from my parents.
The lego after I put it together this morning.
My awesome eyeshadow I got while birthday shopping courtesy of my Grandparents.
Thank you everyone for another amazing birthday!
My funny as spock T-shirt from Tom.
A side note- My Uncles hilarious Dad joke costume.
Keep in mind the bbq was themed cartoon.
I wasn't quite sure what his costume was as it was some sort of tool hanging around his neck, so I asked him. He replied " I was told it was a cartoon theme, so I came ready to tune cars"
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