I decided that I would screen shot my video and create a picture tutorial for my blog as well!
Step 1: Highlighting and contouring.
I feel that this is a very important part of drag makeup. I used my Latonas 3 colour concealer wheel and contoured in the usual areas. You can check out my hightlight and contour tutorial in older posts on my blog.
I then set everything with MAC's studio fix powder and applied a dark blush (I put more on later).
I used Latonas "Lite Pink" loose powder to highlight my cheekbones.
Step 2: Brows
Try to arch your brows as much as possible. If you are going for a full on look, I recommend maybe even covering them up and creating new brows for this look. I just used a brown eyeshadow for my eyebrows here.
Step 3: Eyes
Using a white Sugarpill eyeshadow (if you are wanting to get into drag a HIGHLY recommend sugarpill eyeshadows) I covered my eyelid, then brought the colour up through my crease and created a cat flick on both corners on my eyes.
I brought the white down the sides of my nose and past the ends of my eyebrows.
Step 4: Eyes
Taking a purple sugarpill eyeshadow I outlined all of the white eyeshadow, leaving gaps where the cat flicks end.
The next step is to blend the purple out.
Step 5: Eyeliner and Lashes
Using a Revlon eyeliner I lined the top of my eyelid with a small cat flick. Then I combined a white and black pencil on my waterline, blending them with my finger.
Now I simply applied a Rimmel London mascara and some lashes.
(I added some more colour to my cheeks)
Step 6: Lips
I used a Latonas lip pencil and outlined just over my natural lip line.
I also used Latonas liquid eyeliner to create a beauty spot.
I then put on a Rimmel London lipstick.
I then went around the purple shadow with a black shadow and blended.
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