How I highlight and contour my face.


 So let me start by saying I do not contour and highlight my face the way most other people do (or that ever so popular youtube video, the Kim Kardashion highlight and contour).
I've adjusted this technique to suit my face shape, but more to suit how I like to look.

Let's get started!

Using a big fluffy brush of any kind I normally like to start with my highlighter above my cheek bones. I then blend the highlight up to my eyes (otherwise your going to have dark under your eyes!- a lot of people seem to forget this).
After that I bring the highlighter down from my nose, going either side of my lips and dragging it out along my jaw line. I then use what is left on my brush to highlight the inside of my forehead. The reason I don't put more product on my brush is because I have a forehead that sticks out quite a bit so I don't like to emphasis it.

Then I take a small brush (You could use an eyeshadow brush) and pat the highlighter down the center of my nose. 

Now taking a (preferably angled) large fluffy brush I take the contour along the sides of my face. I naturally have lower cheek bones than I would like so I like to change that I bring the contour colour up higher.
Once again using whatever is left on the brush I sweep around the outside of my forehead. Often now I will take the contour under my neck to define my jaw line. Then I swap back to an eyeshadow brush and sweep a small amount of product in straight lines down either side of my nose. I then take this colour up the sides of my cheeks and behind my eyes.

To contour I often use an eyeshadow or Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Sticks as bronzers are often too orange on my pale skin. For highlighting I use Masquerade White powders or Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Sticks.

Normally my nose wouldn't  be this dark, this is just how it turned out on photoshop :)

Always remember to blend blend blend and don't go overboard when highlighting and contouring!

