Mini life update, birthday, new blog material, making a youtube and more!

Welcome back to my blog!

Today I'm here to do a little catching up with you all. Firstly the most exciting, I am indeed starting a youtube channel! My channel will be focusing mainly on tutorials and first impressions, I may throw in a few vlogs depending on how well my videos are received. The current plan is to start my channel in September/October with halloween tutorials where I can make use of my diploma in cinema graphic makeup! I'll begin filming within the next few weeks to ensure I have time for editing and any life events that may arise. I am receiving my lighting kit this weekend (a soft box w. stand/arm) for my birthday. Which brings me to my next update... it's my birthday this month!

While my birthday is actually the 28th of August some family members were unable to attend a bbq dinner that weekend so we've brought it a week forward. The celebration is themed "Decades" so you can expect a crazy outfit of the day (I'm thinking 80s punk) and a super fun birthday haul!

Approximately 5 minutes before this post I finished my new planning system for creating more regulated blog material. For the first time in this blogs history I will have weekly posts every Tuesday and Thursday! Should anything happen that will stop me from doing this I will try my best to let you know prior to the due date!

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me and my little blog, I look forward to the next post :)

