As some of you may know I used to suffer quite bad acne
(2013-2015) So I thought I’d share my acne coverage routine I used to do, and
maybe help a few of you out!

The Base
The first thing I started with was a good primer. There are
so many on the market now. Ones used to
help treat acne, pore-fillers and colour correctors are all types I’d recommend
for a great coverage base.

Concealer is a very important part of the coverage routine
and finding a good one will change your life. Obviously you’re looking for high
coverage so I’d recommend a cream rather than liquid. Colour correction
concealers can also help a lot, green especially for knocking out redness. I
used to use the Maybelline concealer stick in green and Latonas cream corrector
For the ultimate coverage use a CREAM or LIQUID foundation
and set it with a POWDER foundation. If you can afford MAC, go for it! If not
you’re not alone, I used to use the Maybelline Fit Me equivalents. For extra
coverage apply the powder with a puff instead of a fluffy brush.
This step is optional but was important to me. My skin
looked flawless in the morning but come night evidence of acne was peeping
through. There are so many on the market for a range of prices. I used (and
still do) the Model in the Bottle to finish my makeup however MIB is quite
pricey. I’d recommend NYX or Australis for a cheaper option.
Thank you so much for reading! I’d love to know you skin
experiences and your high coverage tips and tricks! Comment below
See you in the next post!
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