2017 New year! Goals, highlights and reflections.

Wait, it's 2017 already? I barely had time to reflect on 2016 and create goals for 2017 and we're already 4 days into the new year. This post is about highlights and reflections of 2016/ Goals for 2017.

What a year it was. There were so many good and bad things this year, both in my life and the world. It's necessary to reflect and acknowledge the negatives in a constructive manner but then you have to move on. There were many scary things happening in the media this year however I'm going to focus on the positives in my life. The biggest and most obvious is.. My Instagram!

2016 was the year of Instagram for me, I gained over 1,000+ followers and had some really great interactions with other brands and bloggers! Below is my top 9 posts from 2016

One of my posts even reached 600 likes! I can't thank you enough for all the love and support.

It's only been 4 days but I've already had a great start to the new year. I enjoyed new years eve with my partner and new years eve with my family! Just yesterday I posted a close up of my new Tarte palette expecting just my usual repeat offenders to like and comment and was absolutely blown away when it reached over 700+ likes and people were tagging their friends.

I think the easiest way to write my goals is in dot points! So here we go:

- Create better and more content
- Do more Face of the days, Makeup of the days and inspired looks

- Reach a following of 10,000 (I just love interacting with you and I can't wait to meet new people to share my obsession with)
- Continue my fitness Journey
- Apply for Australis's blogger city
- Find my happiness
- Get rid of the things I don't need in my life

These are my main goals at the moment. Have you set any new years goal? What are they?

Thanks so much for reading! See you in the next post.
